Friday, November 25, 2005

for all those anonymous people out there

If you frequently leave comments anonymously and wander why so many of us get angered maybe you should read this excerpt defining a name:

"So what is a name? It is a proper kind of language thing—one of distinction and discrimination. It is chosen, conferred and announced. It always belongs somewhere to something. It prefers to register in encyclopedias and directories rather than merely dally in dictionaries. It can travel the world and be understood, like Lexus or Toyota or Airbus. It ignores the rules of grammar to become a Bronte adjective, or it can Houdini itself to be a verb. Names have meanings instead of definitions. They are worn as badges and emblems, touted on banners and signs. They belong to birth and breed, title and tradition.

All the other symbols, signs and sounds in our language are just common words, often chained together, serving a sentence. They are slaves to grammar, clothed by connotation and context, artless when alone, dispensable when not.

In that garment called language, common words are only threads woven together in patterns and pieces. But names, they are the brocade that give it class."

I really don't understand how anyone can expect us to take anything a person that comments anonymously seriously. You don't even have enough self-dignity and class to leave a name for yourself.

Imagine if you were to receive a letter in the mail. This letter was personal, or confrontational, or was criticizing something you feel compassionate about. But at the bottom of this letter the signature is left as 'Sincerely, Anonymous'.

How would you feel? Angry? Confused? Calused? Indifferent?
I frankly would throw the letter away, because obviously the author didn't respect their own opinion enough to leave their name. And how could I take that seriously?


Bobby said...

Anonymous people baffle me. I've had a few run-ins on my blog. If the comments are entertaining or can be used as an object lesson, I leave them up. Otherwise, I delete them.

Anonymous said...

hmm... I think you're right. Anonmymous people bug the heck outta me too.

Merry Christmas,