Tuesday, August 09, 2005

a new blog for a new season

So this is the first time I have moved from xanga to post regularly on another provider. Why? A few reasons: 1. Because, my new filtering program does not allow me to access xanga. 2. I feel that it is time to part ways with my former xanga-self. It seems to me to be time to move on. 3. # 2 has alot to do with the fact that I feel I am in a different season in life and need a new, hipper way to express that. Therefore, blogger.

Well then since you do not know much about me, you may wander why I feel that I am in a different season in life.
I wish I had the desire or the words to tell all of my audience of one about who I used to be, but hopefully that understanding will come in time while I share where, and who, I currently am.

The past few month has been quite a shift in weather conditions. I was in what I could call a winter/spring, where I seemed to have dark, cold times of reflection that were followed with a time of rapid growth. I feel that for a long time I never experienced the warmth of summer or a
time to reflect on the past in the beauty of fall.

However, now I could say that it feels more like a spring/summer. I have been promoted at a job I love and I am dating a wonderful and beautiful girl I met at church. These two things have put a new day on a long, cold night. I now feel the sun and see the hopes of fall in a distant future.

Currently, at this minute, I sit in the lobby of a Day's Inn in Indianapolis. I am here because for the next 5 days I will be work as a vender at the Indianapolis State Fair. To most peoples surprise this will be a refreshing week.

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